
Azure How To Links

As we learn a lot by doing a hands-on, I will be listing down all the Azure How To links here for easy access based on topics. Most of the Microsoft Documents that I list down here will be a step-by-step document to help us in exploring Azure. Azure Web Service Azure App Service  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/ … Read more

Register For Microsoft Azure Free Trial Account

Azure Subscription Free Trial

How to register for Microsoft Azure Free Trial account? There are few steps to get ready (prerequisite) for Azure Free Trial Account: Create a New Outlook account: To prevent messing up with your work email, I suggest to create a new outlook account (it’s free!) Go to https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/free/ This is where you need to specify … Read more

Microsoft Azure Backup Review And Features

Azure Backup - Create Recovery Service Vault 3

Azure Backup What is Microsoft Azure Backup? Azure Backup is a backup solution that Microsoft offers to take advantage of it’s Azure Cloud. The concept is to provide backup as a service. Not only for Virtual Machine deployed in Azure but also to the following scenarios: VMware Hyper-V virtual machines running on Linux and Windows … Read more

70-533 Exam | Complete Guide

How To Learn And Schedule 70-533 Exam and PASS! If you have ever wondered about how to study for the 70-533 exam and later pass the exam, then please keep reading on. Microsoft Azure is currently one of the Largest Cloud Provider in the market. And whether you like it or not, with Cloud, IOT, … Read more

Where To Get Azure Cloud Service Tutorial

Want to know how to learn Azure Cloud Service? If yes, then you are on the right page! A few years ago you might hear Microsoft Azure being addressed by Windows Azure or Windows Cloud Services. That term has “extinct” as Microsoft has been popularizing the term “Microsoft Azure” nowadays. We know Public cloud is becoming … Read more