
70-533 Exam | Complete Guide

How To Learn And Schedule 70-533 Exam and PASS!

If you have ever wondered about how to study for the 70-533 exam and later pass the exam, then please keep reading on.

Microsoft Azure is currently one of the Largest Cloud Provider in the market. And whether you like it or not, with Cloud, IOT, big data, IT is changing really fast even more now and we need to catch up with the technology to stay relevant!

I personally think that studying for an exam can help us in our career not only to let people know that we have what it takes to do the work but also it will somehow force us to learn Microsoft Azure based on the syllabus.

Unfortunately, there is no shortcut in passing the exam. There are some tips and resources but it is scattered around the net making it hard for us to start learning.

Information such as Exam syllabus, practice exams and also labs are very useful to those who wanted to pass the exam.

In this guide, you are going to start on the exam guideline for 70-533 exam (Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions) so you can work towards passing the exam.

Implementing Microsoft Azure infrastructure Solutions Exam Guideline

You must be thinking of where to start on the topics. Worry no more as Microsoft has been updating the exam topics list.

Which I think is a really good start as we can plan for our study based on the topic list.

Microsoft has been updating topics which will be asked in the exam at:


There will also be changes from time to time on the topics asked in the exam. So, I suggest keeping this link handy during your study.

Below are the topics that I’ve extracted from the above link. Notice that in each topic, the percentage let us know on the question’s weight

From each of the topic, you will find more details on that particular topic. Let me show you with a screenshot below.

Implementing Microsoft Azure infrastructure Solutions Exam Guideline

To know more about what each main topic are all about, it does help, right?

Although the topics are great to be our guideline, don’t forget to watch out for changes as Microsoft is consistently updating the syllabus of Azure Exams and courses to stay relevant to Cloud requirements.

Head on to this link and if you can download the document with the changes: 70-533 Syllabus changes.

Below is one of the changes Microsoft did that you can find in the document I specified earlier

Changes To 70-533 Exam Syllabus

How To Schedule Microsoft Exam?

When you are ready for the exam, it’s time to book for a place. Usually, I will go for Pearson Vue as there is an exam center nearby and they are always Microsoft Certified Partner to schedule Microsoft Exam. When you go to the link below to schedule your exam:


you will notice that Microsoft will also redirect you to the Pearson Vue website. I cannot schedule directly from Pearson Vue though. I  believe there might be a Pearson Vue Microsoft joint venture for the exam arrangement.

You will need to fill in your information such as full name, email, and address. From there, you will be redirected to the Pearson Vue Site to proceed for exam registration.

70-533 Exam

How much do Microsoft certifications cost? The certification cost is still $165.00 as when this article is written and depending on where your country is, the cost might differ due to the currency exchange rate.

Find Microsoft Testing Center

There are some pieces of information that you can gather by going to the Pearson Vue site. For me, I like to know more about Microsoft Testing Center (in this case Pearson Vue Exam Center) such as the exact location and availability.

What do I mean by availability? There is some occurrence where the test center is closed down due to a few reasons such as natural disaster and as you can see below, some sites are closed due to Hurricane Florence.

Microsoft Pearson Vue Test Center

So, just to be safe, please check again on the Pearson Vue Test Center a few days before your exam in case you are not being notified via email or phone.

From the find a test center page, just put the preferred location and it will list down possible exam center at your preferred location.

Pearson Vue Exam Center

There is also an option if you want to take the exam at the military base by clicking at the Find an on-base test center. You must have a valid government ID and access to enter the premise.

Microsoft Exam Second Shot

One thing to keep in mind,  you can register for a second or third shot. This will bring up the exam cost a bit. What this means is instead of scheduling for a 1-time exam, you are going to schedule 1+1 (retake) exam.

You are going to add a little cost to get a second or third shot in that bundled price. This is cheaper than scheduling for the second time.

Just go to this link: Microsoft Exam Second Shot

Lastly, if you feel that you are more confident with training, you can also go for an online training option. I would recommend going for Simplilearn as the training would be available 24×7. 

I usually will get some great discount from Simplilearn by becoming their affiliate. Take a look at the Discount page that you can access from the menu above. 

I hope this guide provides beneficial information to you and good luck with the exam!

Disclaimer: I might get a small amount of commission from my affiliate in order to support this site.